domingo, 24 de maio de 2009

What is Parliament’s role in Europe?

The UK is one of 25 member states of European Union and is subject to European Union (EU) Legislation. UK government ministers are involved in deciding this legislation and should not agree to proposals before Parliament has examined them.
The role in Europe is:
- Scrutinising UK draft legislation and other EU documents;
- Changing UK law to reflect agreed EU legislation and treaties;
- Holding the government to account on its EU policies and negotiating positions in the EU institutions.

What is Queen’s speech?

The Crown informs Parliament of the government’s policy ideas and plans for new legislation in a speech delivered from the throne in the House of Lords. Although the Queen makes the speech, the government draws up the content.

Differences between Parliament and Crown

Parliament is the highest legislative authority in the United Kingdom. Made up of the House of Commons, House of Lords and the Queen (who is the UK’s current hereditary monarch).
This is another way of referring to the monarchy which is the oldest part of the system of government in this country.
Time has reduced the power of monarchy and today it is broadly ceremonial. The current UK monarch is Queen Elisabeth II.

Differences between Parliament and government

Parliament and government both play a part in forming the laws of the United Kingdom. They are separate institutions that work closely together, so it’s easy to mix-up exactly what each one is responsible for.
The government runs the country. It has responsibility for developing and implementing policy and for drafting laws. It is also know as the executive.